

香港復康會(包括其所有附屬有限公司)(「本會」)非常重視個人資料私隱,並承諾確保轄下之服務單位及員工於任何情況下包括收集、使用、儲存、披露、轉移、準確性、改正及查閱個人資料之程序均遵守香港法例第 486 章《個人資料(私隱)條例》(『條例』)及六項保障資料原則的規定 (詳情可參考個人資料私隱專員公署網站:


The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation (including its subsidiaries) (“HKSR”) is committed to protection of personal data privacy and takes steps to protect the collection, use, storage, disclosure, transfer, accuracy, correction, access to personal

data. We are committed to protect your personal data and to comply with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (the “Ordinance”) (Chapter 486 of the Laws of Hong Kong) and the 6 related data protection principles (For details,

please refer to the website of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data

https://www.pcpd.org.hk/english/data_privacy_law/6_data_protection_principles/principles.html). This statement aims to explain HKSR’s policies and principles for personal data.



As part of services provided by HKSR may need to collect personal data directly related to its functions and the purpose of providing services. This will be collected, stored, managed in a lawful manner and follow the 6 related data protection

principles under the Ordinance. The data will be collected in a lawful and fair way, used directly related to the purpose with full disclosure to the data subjects with their consent. HKSR will take steps to ensure the personal data is kept accurately

and not longer than necessary, and assuring the security of the data and be transparent in its handling of the personal data. Further, data subjects can request access and correction of their personal data.



香港復康會﹝包括其所有附屬有限公司﹞(下稱本會) 按《個人資料(私隱)條例》,確保儲存的個人資料準確、獲適當處理及充份保護並妥善儲存,並依照在收集資料時所說明的目的使用該等資料。

The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation (including all of its subsidiaries) (“HKSR”) undertakes to comply with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance to ensure that personal data kept are accurate and securely kept.  We will use personal data collected from data subject for the purposes for which it was collected.

本會收集你的個人資料,目的是_ 申請培訓服務、就業服務、銷售及送貨、優惠推廣、發出收據、收集意見、提供資訊等。你向本會提供個人資料純屬自願,如你未能提供足夠個人資料,本會可能無法有效處理你的申請或提供服務。

Collection of personal data is to apply for training and employment services, sales and delivery, promotions, issuing payment receipt, collecting feedback, providing respective activities and information. Your personal data are provided to HKSR on voluntary basis. However, if you do not provide sufficient personal data, we may not be able to process your application or provide service to you. 

本會可能使用你的個人資料作為日後向 閣下作服務/活動推廣及籌募活動的用途。

HKSR may use your personal data for sending you information relating to our services /activities’ promotion, and appeal for donation purposes.


電話:     2534 3545/傳真: 2816 2933/電郵: [email protected]

地址:     香港九龍藍田復康徑7號藍田綜合中心A101室

You can at no charge request for updating of your personal data or cessation of using your personal data for promotional and other purposes stated at (3) above by any of the following ways. If you have data access request, please submit in written form, and need to pay a charge for copies of personal data obtained.

Tel: 2534 3545 / Fax: 2816 2933 / Email: [email protected]

Address:   RM A101, HKSR Lam Tin Complex, 7 Rehab Path, Lam Tin, Kowloon, Hong Kong 






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